From the Venture point of view to the Impact point of view

Thanks Nate Wong for his great article in #Stanford Social Innovation Review. Very recognizable. Too often, the venture model dominates how impact driven organisations are ‘rated’. Let’s start to use the impact point of view! Especially when it comes to #growth jury members should take in mind that growing impact doesn’t always require capacity building.Continue reading “From the Venture point of view to the Impact point of view”

Ten Ways to F*ck Up Your Pitch

Heading to a pitch? Grab this opportunity to get some tips from ‘pitch master’ Michael Koenka. In this free comprehensive guide, Michael learns you the 10 ways to f*ck up your pitch. Hide out of sight, go on forever, be boring,… are possible ways for instance. Luckily, Michael gives you tips to get your audienceContinue reading “Ten Ways to F*ck Up Your Pitch”

Calls! Calls! Calls!

Hear hear… some interesting calls for fashionistas, climate warriors and water savers Applications to the European Social Innovation Competition 2020 are officially open. Under the theme Reimagine Fashion: Changing behaviours for sustainable fashion, this year’s competition is looking for early stage projects and ideas that will change the ways we produce, buy, use and recycle fashion, moving towardsContinue reading “Calls! Calls! Calls!”

Sociaal ondernemers: aanjagers van maatschappelijke impact

Artikel gepubliceerd in Samenleving & Politiek, jaargang 7, januari 2020 Uitdagingen zoals armoede, vergrijzing en klimaatverandering worden aangepakt door zowel overheden, non-profit-organisaties, kennisinstellingen als burgerbewegingen. Steeds meer ook door ondernemingen die hun bestaansreden putten uit het maatschappelijk probleem. In alle continenten zit sociaal ondernemerschap in de lift en starten mensen vanuit de drang maatschappelijke en/ofContinue reading “Sociaal ondernemers: aanjagers van maatschappelijke impact”